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Managing Anxiety With School Starting Again...

Ronke Bamiduro

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

Starting school is difficult in times like these. In the UK, our exam results generally took a toll and from what I've seen on social media, morale is quite low. So starting school again feels like added pressure. If like me, you're starting university, it's even more pressure. But breathe, because I have some tips on how to ensure you have a great year at school.

academics, school, university, working

Have the Willpower to Turn Things Around

I'm usually well put together when it comes to my work, but last year was definitely all over the place. I started out quite strong but because of my exam pressure, I began neglecting my daily routines like journalling, my affirmations, and daily runs. Don't be like me—if something makes you feel good, keep doing it. Never neglect your well-being for academics or anything for that matter.

yoga, wellness, wellbeing, health, mental health
Never compromise what makes you feel good for anything.

Take Things Easy

Don’t be too hard on yourself. That’s one of the biggest mistakes I made last year and it nearly led to me burning out before my final exams. Work hard, do things for extra credit or simply for your own benefit but not to the extent where you’re hurting yourself and feeling lost. My school tutor had a conversation with me once before my exam period and he asked me—do you work to live or live to work? Think about it.

breathe, calm, cool
Sometimes, just take a step back and breathe.

Stay On Top of Schoolwork

The last thing you’d want is a teacher or supervisor constantly on your back about an overdue assignment or task which adds to the stress we’re already feeling. When you’re asked to do something for a teacher, do it, get it out of the way, and focus on something else.

school, work, hard work

Stay Organized

Make yourself a schedule or establish a daily to-do list in a planner of a sort. that way you have a sense of structure for your day. I’m a mess without my personal planner: it helps me organize my time accordingly and work efficiently to get everything done. If you need help—ask to check this out.

Check In on Each Other

It’s a common struggle and we're all in this together. It’s easier to deal with things when you have someone you can trust to communicate with and catch up with when things feel a little difficult. So next time things feel a little tough, catch up with a friend over a coffee or sit with a sibling in the kitchen.

latte on table

Breathe and Get Started

It’s a new school year and I feel for many of us we get a sense of momentum to just work so hard but we need to remember to pace ourselves as you need to maintain that momentum throughout the year without burning out and whilst feeling fulfilled. Take it at your own pace and stay disciplined and you will be fine.

person writing in journal
You've got this--get going!


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